Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth~

Happy 4th of July to all my fellow americans who share the freedoms in which i take for granted everyday! I think "Freedom" is an interesting concept....we celebrate our independence day on july 4th symbolizing the time in which we broke away from English dominance....and though that specific freedom is still in effect to this day, i do not think we are as "free" as people think we are....specifically, in a moral sense i believe we still have to fight against our sinful natures and that we are not free to do what ever crosses our way. Sure, we may have the freedom of speech and religion and many other things but at the same many times have we monitored what we have said in fear that we may be judged or out-casted for the beliefs we hold. If we are so free than why can't we express that without any reprecusions or consequences? to be "Free" would be to not worry about the consequences of our actions and our shared words. Ultimately, we will never be free until the day the Lord returns, thus freeing us from our sinful bodies and worldly environment.

On another note, I appreciate whole heartedly the hard work and dilligence of the people who have dedicated their lives to ensuring our country's "Freedom". They sacrifice more than people realize and i am not just saying this because i am of a biased party.

1 comment:

  1. I hereby declare that I have read this post in its entirety and appreciate nuances of its verbiage.
