This is the sign that directs me to go under a potentially sketchy underpass to school in which i have already had to walk through at night twice but it is pretty well lit and there is supposed to be 24hr survelience whether that is true or not.
Today i received subject approval for a photography class and i am extremely excited to take this class. It turns out that the schedule in which i have finally settled on will actually be more beneficial to me back at winthrop than what i had originally intended to take. the final listing of classes that i will be enrolled in is : Ecology, Physics, Photography and Sociology of health and medicine. the first three i actually get credit toward graduating and the last one will prob just end up as an "extra" class that doesn't really count for anything but i think it will still be interesting. Oh and the best part of all is that i do not have any classes on fridays! i have yet has such a schedule that includes no classes on fridays so i hope that i get to take advantage of that and go on some short 2day trips around the area. we shall see.... I went to the student association office today and they have about 5shelves of used textbooks. Luckily i actually found 2 of the three that i need both of which were extremely reduced in price. I am so glad that i found them because originally they were 110 and 80$ each. i'm not sure if they have a used books place online here but im not sure how much shipping would be to get it here.
In other news, I joined an australian gym which is right across the road from my room...i stare at it everymorning and i just couldn't go all semester without taking advantage of the convienence. I went today for my program introduction and the trainer Max, originally from portugal set me up with an intensive work out in which they monitor and add to once it becomes too easy. So i am extremely excited to take advantage of that membership. i wish i was one of those people who were completely self modivated and could go bike 30 miles or run for an hour but i just physically and possible mentally make myself do that. thus i declare that i am a gym rat and am proud of it...though i also intend on biking occasionally but i will rely on the gym as my main means of exercise.
Thats all for now...more to come! ~Cheers!
Being a gym rat is nothing to be ashamed of because rats are awesome!!!