Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Final Count Down

This is the final count down, officially 3days till i depart the US of A for an extended amount of time and my nerves are getting the better of me at this point. I want to say that i am completely bursting with excitement but because i am going by myself which means i will be responsible for everything (the airports, flights, customs. arrival, etc.) i find myself more consumed with keeping track of everything instead of allowing myself to get too excited. also i don't want to rub it in anymore than the mere fact that i am leaving to the rest of my family by announcing my level of excitement and thus keeping that level to a minimum, atleast externally. i predict that once i get onto the plane my excitement will be more present....atleast i hope so.

I really hope that my luggage doesn't get lost but with the amount of layovers i have i would say that the chance is pretty high and am almost expecting it to happen...

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm excited for you,
    and I'm glad you're not feeling blue.
    May your luggage always be true,
    And stay with you in all that you do!
