So Nexus went to green island for the day and it was heaps of fun. we went snorkeling and being with some great locals friends, they were able to find all the cool stuff that im sure most tourists miss out on discovering. I actually got to swim with a sea turtle ...or follow it while it swam along :) we also saw this massive fish that i have no idea what it was called...but it was HUGE (no it was not a shark) and it was fun to watch that..from a distance. aside from snorkeling we sun-baked, and played footie at the water's edge. It was really hard for me to over come the urge to want to throw it forward like in american football, but in australian footie you have to throw it backwards or laterally. needless to say that caused a bit of hesitation on my part which then caused several tackles against me but it was all in good fun!
We went straight to church after getting back to Cairns, and i have to say i have never had such a hard time staying awake in church...The sun just sucks all the energy out of me and all i want to do sleep...just not in church :)
I'm still feeling extremely tired today, and even took a 2hr nap....hopefully i can recover quickly because school is about to get crazy with assignments being due and i need all the physical and mental energy i can get.
Pics from the Day:
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