This week marked the beginning of my last month in scary how fast time flies by. I mean it seems like yesterday was July and i was just arriving into this new place which i have come to love for its uniqueness and similarities. I only have one week left of classes and about 6 assignments to turn in before the "exam period" starts. I only have 2 exams during that time and they are ten days apart. so to kill some time i am taking advantage of the large "study" space between exams and am going to Maggie Island for a few days with a friend. I was lucky enough to catch a deal with the airline and get plane tickets for 48$ each way which is insanely cheap...i didnt think plane tickets could be that cheap!
Today, i booked all the hotels that my mom and I are going to stay at on our extended journey back to Greensboro. The treck includes 3days in Cairns, 4days in Sydney, and 4 days in Christ Church New Zealand.
I was really disappointed because i had found this Amazing bed and breakfast in the historic part of Sydney right next to the famous bridge and habour opera house and when i called to make the reservation this morning they were completely booked, which was crazy because two days earlier they had vacancies....o well i suppose it wasn't meant to be. To make up for it, we are going to stay at this really nice bed and breakfast in the city of Christ Church.
In Cairns i found a nice hotel right on the esplanade which will have a fantastic view. I love the fact that i could make a good decision on where to stay because i know the area so well by now.
My trek home is going to be exhausting! here's how its going to play out...leave christchurch at 6am dec. 3 to Auckland where there will be an 8hr layover, then off to LA, then to dallas, and finally to Greensboro at which i will arrive 11:30pm Dec. 3rd even though i will have been in the air for more than 24hrs....CRAZY
I've been asked several times recently, if i am ready to go home....that is a simple question with such a complex answer: YES and NO....yes because i miss my family and my friends and just "my real life" and no because i have made new friends and i know once i leave the probability that i will return is not extremely high though not anything is possible.
I feel like i have been living a parallel current life in australia and living it up, and trying to keep up in my absence back home. Having to almost be in two states of mind all the time is kinda draining and that would be why i am looking forward to going back home, but i will surely miss everything australian(Though may i mention-TIMTAMS are being sold at target! but only for short period of time as a trial )
Also, this week was epic because i was kindly given this web address in which linked to several 3rd party broadcasters. long story short, i was able to watch the office, and house and catch up on all the new episodes that i have missed out on being here. i know its sad, but it made me so happy to know that i have seen what others have been watching back home so i too may discuss them with people. :)
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