Today was probably the most productive day i have had here in Australia, as far as school work goes. With "spring holiday" just around the corner i had several assignments due this week as well as my first aussie presentation...which actually wasn't that big of a deal because my prof. was on holiday in the states no less and we had a guest prof monitor the presentations for the day. Not only that but half the class showed up so, it was more of a single sided discussion than a formal pressi, which i was perfectly fine with.
Ecology this semester has been a bit of a challenge because it involves alot of statistics and making graphs, using excel, and analyzing data on their version of a statistics program. We have had a practical due every friday and sometimes they are really complicated statistically. Luckily, my prof is very understanding toward those (including me) that are not completely competent in statistics, (even though i have had it twice, and possibly 3 if you count BIO300)...and provids us with pre-made data and is willing to help us make the appropriate graphs.
Today for ecology lab we just went to the computer lab to discuss the last two pracs and the proper way to analyze the data, which i was very appreciative of and decided to just stay in the lab while i was in the ecological/statistical mental state and write some of the labs we had just discussed.
Turns out that i finished the one due for this week really quickly, and decided to proceed onto the next one...I also completed that one in a quick manner and decided that while i was there doing all this i might as well go ahead and do the third one which i also completed. So basically, i wrote 3 pracs in a span of 5hrs. Pretty much EPIC! and so when i come back from break i won't have to worry about turning a prac in for the next 2 weeks :) anything to make life easier.....though i'm predicting October to be a very busy month for assignments.
So after all this hard and diligent work, I felt amazing. not tired, not mentally drained what so was weird. I was discussing with a friend that i have observed that i tend to do better when i have many things to do compared to when i only have a single assignment due. My only logical conclusion for this is that having more work forces me to manage my time better and therefore become more comparison to only having one thing due....i don't have to dedicate so much focus into managing time for that one thing so i suppose it feels less of an achievement when i have completed it....
i don't know, maybe that just me, but i have to say that i felt "good" after completing heaps of work at one time. I even went to the gym and ran twice as much than i normally run. Hmm, maybe natural endorphins shouldn't be underestimated!
Next on the list: start getting ready for SURF CAMP! I'm totally excited and hardly nervous at all that i am going by myself...i kinda think that makes it a little more exciting..."Because I'm a Big Girl Now" :) And you never know who you will meet on adventures! ;)
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