Since the beginning of this adventure i have encountered interesting people as well as interesting situations, and I have thought recently that i often only blog the "big" stuff or most significant, but i figured i'd dedicate a post to the random things in life or atleast in the past 2 months :)
Random point 1: In Australia, the uni system is different. They skew their grading scale so that they can grade harder and make "A's" or (HD's) hard to receive, making the average grade a C which most students accept as an acceptable grade. However, students address their professors by their first name or even nickname. I find this ironic that they decrease the amount of respect expected from the students towards their professors but increase greatly their level of grading...
I personally have not brought myself to address any of my professors by their first name just feels too weird, I will try to purposely do it before my time is finished here :)
Random point 2: On my flights over to Australia, i did not once sit next to any of the people i met up with in LA which i think is hilarious because it was a group flight of 45-50 other students.. :Luckily though, i got the aisle seat so i didn't feel imposing when i got up several times (as directed by mother) to walk around or just to stretch out as much as you can on a plane.
Random point 3: I never really felt homesick, the closest thing to it was when everyone back home started posting pictures from the beginning of the school year and i couldn't help think that if i hadn't decided to go to australia, i would be apart of those pictures and the experiences that go along with them....however, i quickly remember that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and i do love being here, and fortunately, all my friends will be there when i get back and hopefully it won't be too hard to get back in sync with them all! Plus i am really excited about meeting all the freshmen that have joined RUF!
Random Point 4: One of my really good friends that i have met here and has become my travel buddy, is from Maine, and a very accomplished swimmer. the more ironic thing is that her sister teaches at a public highschool in my hometown! oh, It's a small world!
Random point 5: The aussies friends that i have become really good friends with from church are such a blessing. There is even a slight chance that one of them might come back to winthrop to study for a semester, so i promised her Alot of friends automatically, which she thought was funny and i reassured her that it was so true!
Random Point #6:Electrical'd think plugging something in would be easy, yes if you have the right adapter...(Got one that Great! why isn't it working...) Well on all outlets in australia you actually have to switch the outlet not sure if this is an energy saving concept but I still get fooled when i plug something in and the power doesn't immediately come on....maybe i'll get it before i leave...oh and as soon as i do, i'll be looking for a switch on the outlets in america... :)
Random point 7: I was down by the marina recently and noticed that each dock was lettered A,B, C, D etc...but they don't refer to them as docks, rather they refer to them as "Fingers" my question is, are boats like dirt stuck under your fingernails? haha
Random point 8: It's amazing how creative you become and how your tastes change when some where new. At dinner they Always have a thing of steamed mixed veggies...and though some may thing they are the blandest thing on the planet...i personally love them and have them at every dinner...which is funny because i wasn't much of a veggie eater before australia....also, Vanilla icecream is a great blank slate for interesting favorite so far is the addition of a pinch of instant coffee....there's also the addition of hotchocolate (very original :) and then others have tried peanut butter and others honey as well as strawberry jelly...interesting for sure but i just think ill stick to coffee and coco :)
OH, today they were giving away silver dollar pancakes on campus, though they called them something else that i can't remember but they had jam available to spread on them so i tried it and surprisingly it was kinda should try it!
Random point 9: At the Gym they always have the tv on and i happen to always be there when there are cooking shows on...i find this very at the gym, im not supposed to be tempted by food!! the worst is when they are making chocolate desserts...i just want to be like REALLY,....i'm trying so hard and this isn't helping!
Random point 10: Well, i honestly can't think of another random point, though im sure once i lay down for bed i'll be like "oh, i should have shared that.." so this can be a (Insert Your Own Random Thought) think of it as my gift of mental clarity to you .... lol
Well, i suppose that should wrap up my random post blog,...if you have continued reading thus far, let me thankyou for hanging in there, and i really hope you don't feel as though you will never get that time back in life,....Hope you have a FABULOUS day! Cheers!
I vote for more blog posts like this! Hear hear.
ReplyDeletehaha, this was a great update! you always hear of the big differences, but the little things like this are just as much fun! i'm so glad you're having a great time!