so last night marked the last night at the lodge and the last night to hangout with Steph. We decided that it would be fun to go to the beach at night and have a few drinks with a friend from church. It was so cool to look at the stars and not be able to recognize any of the constellations because they are all backwards. It was fun just to chill and talk while reminiscing about the time we have had in australia. Then we came back and i still had to do laundry and pack which i did till 4am seeing as the was when steph was leaving for the airport. So today i am operating on 3hrs of sleep. Fun Stuff especially since it's Joel's 21st bday party tonight.
my mom is currently in transit to come to cairns and i am really looking forward to traveling with her and sharing some of this experience with someone else. i'm excited to show her where i have been living for the past 5months and im excited to explore sydney and NZ with her!
It was kinda sad saying goodbye to steph eventhough i will actually get to see her in Dec. we have become really great friends and i thank God for such a blessing,...not only did i make some really great christian aussie friends, but i also made a good christian american friend who so happens to have ties to Greensboro eventhough she lives in MAine, who knows maybe one day i will to go visit up there.
this picture sums up our friendship quite nicely~ we have had so many laugh, i will really miss our random moments of hysterical laughter in which neither of us know what we are laughing about! Good Times!
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