Getting on the plane to leave for sydney from cairns was really hard, it wasn't like i was going to come back there after i was finished in sydney like i had previously done 2 months before. Once i left, i was officially gone for awhile but hopefully not forever, you never know where God will lead you in i'm leaving the door open to possibly going back for a visit sometime later.
The Flight to sydney was pretty quick, they showed the movie 500 days of summer, which i had already seen in Sydney ironically enough. Movies always make a flight go quicker especially if they are any good. Luckily, we have been flying on Qantas for every flight and they by far are the best airline that australia has. even their meals are really good.
Once we got to sydney, we didn't have to mess with customs or security because it was a domestic flight so we just got our luggage and instead of taking the train into the city and walking a few blocks to our hotel for 30$ we opted to get in line for a taxi ( btw, i had never used a taxi before and prob wouldn't like to again if i can help it). we got a taxi and a driver who was from who-know's where but he did know were our hotel was and thats all that mattered. it was a little bit more expensive than taking the train in but a lot less hassle.... Unfortunately, less hassle almost always means more money! o well. Thank God for the blessing of having a little extra.
Our Hotel was the Travel Lodge which sounds kinda dodgy, but it was REALLY nice with a flat screen tv and a fridge and sink. to use the elevators you had to swipe your room card to activate the floor you want to go to....pretty high tech if you ask me.
Sydney was so different to cairns, people were still mostly friendly, but everyone was in so much of a hurry and there were just heaps more people bustling around. and i still get a kick out of crossing the street diagonally. We saw all the known sites and walked 11 miles the first full feet did hurt in case you were wondering.
we went to the Aquarium which was cool, but not as impressive as i thought it'd be. we then made our way over to capital theater because i knew that Wicked the musical was showing and we happen to get box seat tickets for a matinee on saturday. That was probably the highlight of sydney, Wicked was so great and thats saying alot because i don't normally like musicals. We of course saw the bridge, and the Opera House. We took a ferry across that harbour to Luna Park which i really liked and we rode the ferris wheel which overlooked the harbor as well. Did some shopping of course, but by saturday night i was ready to move on to New Zealand,....
I've decided that i don't really enjoy big cities, i like the suburbs, and i don't really like feeling like im risking my life everytime i try crossing the road.
On an Interesting note, the Rocks is the historic part of sydney which is the part right near the bridge and opera house,and while walking through this portion, we came across a christmas tree that was rather oddly constructed. After closer investigation, we discovered that the christmas tree was made comepletely out of empty soda thats some mixing of christmas cheer with and underlying goal of raising recycling awareness...
Australia is pretty "green" something i'll try to impart in my daily life back in the states.