Sunday, August 16, 2009


So Saturday we were picked up by a friend and were taken up into the tablelands to go water skiing/wakeboarding and tubing. The day was absolutely perfect...awesome weather amazing friends and lots of aussie fun! we made a side trip to lake echam which is the crater lake that i had been to previously but it was really gross that day so we couldnt swim. But today we all jumped in and had a bone chilling swim...IT was SO cold...i was having a really hard time breathing and decided that the doggy paddle was the best stroke because you have to move faster which i thought would help me warm kinda worked...i think i just became numb. Anyways, it felt amazing afterwards laying out in the sun which is a lot more intense and you can feel it on your skin much more than back at home ( I suppose that is why queensland is the skin-cancer capital of the world)

We finally got to Tinaroo where joel was getting the boat ready for activities. We went tubing first and i only got thrown off once which was really fun because i was riding backwards and later i wakeboarded which was also really fun but super tiring...I was SO sore the next day that i could barely move, but it was a good soreness because you know you had a lot of fun getting that way.

We went out to a local pub that night in Atherton and the food there was so good and so bad for you but so good! so well all ate together and had lots of laughs...aussies really like to tease, especially americans so thats always fun, especially when its in a harmless just getting comfortable with them to start the teasing back which surprised a couple of them...haha

Booked my flights for sydney so i could catch the bus to go to a surf camp over my semester break! i am so excited...i've always wanted to go surfing in australia and wear a wetsuit so i just have to stay focused on school and reward myself with this amazing trip and experience!

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