Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cheers Australia, It was Grand!

So this will be my last post for this blog. Good thing Bad thing? i don't know
After 37hrs of traveling in a 24hr time period, i was needless to say Extremely tired once i got home. However, i couldn't bring myself to fall asleep immediately. I ended up sleeping for 13hrs and because of that i couldn't fall asleep till really late the next night, but i took advantage and caught up on some tv shows.
All the flights were good, and our luggage followed us all the way except for the last flight... which i think was ironic because of how far we traveled. Luckily we got our luggage the next morning so it just delayed the laundry and giving out of gifts for a little while.
Being home, well its great to sleep in my bed again, i had forgotten how comfortable it was. Today i switched out all my summer clothes for my winter clothes,which was a very long process of sorting and organizing as well as folding and going up and down the stairs. But thankfully it has been completely accomplished.
I like being home, but its hard to figure out where my place is in the household again. My brother was very clear in the fact that he enjoyed that there wasn't any of my hair in the bathroom for 5months. but i think he should just get used to it if he ever plans on getting married.
I miss everyone in Cairns, and the sunshine and warm weather. Winter has given me a strong greeting with it almost looking like it is going to snow.

So i suppose in conclusion for the past 5months, i have gone on this big adventure that was successful. I have grown up in so many ways, and most importantly i think i have grown significantly in my faith. It was such a great experience and such a blessing that i am thankful for. I'm excited for next semester and living off campus should be another interesting experience, But until then, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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