Saturday, October 24, 2009


My uncle sent me some interesting text of which stemmed from some notes he took from a seminar he recently attended about Intelligent Design and natural vs spiritual revelations. Though it was rather deep to understand on my own, it was still quite interesting. Also, i thought it was interesting because this past friday at the bible study i attend here, we talked about revelations as well....maybe God is trying to tell me something?"

"Theology is properly distinguished as natural and revealed. The former is concerned with facts of nature so far as they reveal God and our relation to him, and the latter with the facts of Scripture."-Charles Hodge

I think today was one of those days where i wasn't necessarily homesick, but with planning all the details for my extended trek home, its hard not to think about getting back to my previous life with my family and friends. I have this last week of classes which i foresee flying by extremely fast as i have a lot of assignments due. then its just two exams and a paper and im home free...Literally i suppose.

It's really hard for me to be satisfied in the here and now when i know its temporary....which can be greatly seen in the smaller scale but when i think about it, my life on earth is only temporary compared to my heavenly life waiting before me....... which would explain why its hard sometimes to be satisfied with "this life". so many people are concerned about their purpose in life and I am blessed to known mine...yes, the details may not be clear as far as specifics of what job will i have, who will i marry, will i have any kids, but in reality, those things are all temporary too...As long as i am following God's will and glorifying Him in everything i do then i should feel content and know that this temporary life will not have been useless.....which is what i think God has intended for us.

Also, from my study of Colossians this semester, i came across this beautiful summary of verses: "Love unites all virtues into perfect unity"
So many people throw around the concept of "Love" and yes i know there are different forms of Love....but with each form the makings of love are all the same and i think most people including myself do not practice all the components that make up love. Tricky thing i know, and its something you wonder if you can ever master, but if we are desperately following God's word then it should not be such a challenge.....its the premise of this statement that is the real issue.

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